Kathie Dammon


Kathie (Dammon) Michels
7460 165th St
Prior Lake, MN 55372


L to R, son Bob, daughter Erin, son Scott and family & daughter Heather and family

Kathie &  Neil

Posted 7-2013

Since our last reunion and update, I have retired after teaching Chemistry for 32 years and am surprised how fast my time has filled up! In addition to spending more time with our grandchildren, I am playing a lot of tennis, golf,and volleyball.  But what I am enjoying most is volunteering at the Minnesota Raptor Center where I have become a handler and get to do education programs with our raptors for schoolkids.

Neil is still teaching so our travels are limited to the summers. Our favorite recent trip was to Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands; two places we would highly recommend to put on your bucket list!  We also continue to spend a lot of our summers in northern Minnesota at our family cabin.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Sept!  And many thanks to our hard working classmates who are making this reunion possible!


Posted 2008

Kathie & Neil

After missing many reunions, then finally making it to the last one, I enjoyed it so much that I am already looking forward to the upcoming one and am hoping we have a great turnout!

After shorter careers as a research chemist in Cincinnati Ohio, then a stay at home Mom in California, I am now closing in on retirement after 28 years of teaching Chemistry in Apple Valley, Minnesota. 

Neil and I were married fourteen years ago.  We are both science teachers at the same high school and enjoy teaching and coaching our school’s Science Olympiad team.  We also keep busy with a small business venture called Wristsaver Rods.   After getting a patent on an ergonomically designed fishing rod, we are out to change the fishing habits of the ice fishing world (see www.wristsaverrods.com for more into if you are in to that sort of thing!)

We have four great kids, two each from our previous marriages.  Our two oldest are married and have given us the delight of four grandkids.  The two younger kids are still in school, one in college and one a senior in high school.  It is a rare pleasure that we have them all together in one place as we did this Christmas when this picture was taken.

Time up at our cabin near the Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness in Northern Minnesota and traveling are our two favorite summer activities.  This past summer we spent three weeks in China and Tibet seeing the country and visiting the factory that makes our rods and reels.