I hope to see all of you at our
50th Reunion.
It's a race to the finish:
Hope is in the lead.
Chapters 3,4, & 5 of my book* are out of the gate in the far turn.
Memory is fading but Veggies are on an amazing rush.
Shingles the torpedo is hanging in there.
Decrepitude is coming up fast!
*"Hydrogen's Last Secrets" became "Light of the Quantum: A Treatise
on the Transmundane Nature of Light". It is going to upset a lot of
science-based atheists.
ETA circa 2018.
Dan, knighted in the heat of battle as "Dr. Brain Fart"
What I looked
like exiting the working world at the new millennium
How lucky we were to have grown
up together in West Lafayette, Indiana. It was an extended
childhood for me seeing the world through rose colored glasses.
Only later did I understand the history of Tecumseh on Tippecanoe's
Battleground, and see the world as it was under Sputnik's beep.
I was born naturally curious. Mr. Bush and Mr. Guy and Mr. Fites
all permanently creased my brain. Math and science became my
vocation. Electrical Engineering at Purdue illuminated my early
path. The Viet Nam conflict interrupted that education for another
of very different stripes. I learned the high importance of not
hurting other human beings.
The more I looked at the world, the less I knew about it. I went
into graduate physics in search of answers, and found it to be an
overly dogmatized often misdirected stop-and-go process, with
precious few real answers to life's questions. I set out to change
that. And now forty years later, I am attempting to write a
treatise on objective reality entitled "Hydrogen's Last Secrets."
A sign above my computer reads, "If you don't hurry up, Dan, it
won't matter!"....something a boss of mine once told me.
I spent my entire working career in one place, working one
challenging job developing "see through" imaging radars, growing and
honing my scientific and mathematical skills the whole time. All of
that was in preparation for writing one book, with an awe inspiring
story to tell about the world we find ourselves in. If I don't
finish it, I will die happy trying to.