Peter Burr

Peter Burr

4920 194th Ave SE

Issaquah, wa






After Graduation, I went on to an expensive college & made the worst decision of my life by graduating years later with a Bachelor's in German Literature. I muddled about for a few years, then went back to a university & became a Registered Nurse, the best decision of my life, and 35 years later am still working in critical care & helping a whole lot of people. My lousy athletic career at the high school blissfully over, I have eventually became a technical mountain climber, achieving many summits of our beautiful Northwest volcanoes. I still play flute, and still play it badly. I avoid marching bands.

I never wanted kids, & didn't; however a second marriage produced a wonderful step daughter, who in turn produced 2 boys, whom I was afraid of for a long time.

That's a brief summary of 50 years gone by....I hope to learn this reunion how others have fared.

Peter Burr